Three Reasons Why You Need This £52 Serum.

Question time: Would you ever spend £52 on a single skincare product? I did and it totally changed my skin.

Compared to other more expensive high-end products, £52 may be a drop in a bucket, but for me (and many young women) this is a considerable amount to spend on a single product.

When I first started this blog, I was unemployed basically living off my savings and trying to get by (I’m talking selling clothes on eBay and earning £30 a month writing articles) all while I was unsuccessfully applying for jobs. So for me to be recommending a £52 serum or anything that’s £52 is absolutely mindboggling. One thing I remember during this time was watching lots of YouTube videos where pretty much every single influencer was peddling some skincare/beauty/makeup product that literally cost the earth. I remember thinking: “There’s no way any of your followers can afford this. Who are you catering to?” I thought this was extremely exclusive and wanted to create a space where I could share truly affordable products for people like me who had little to no money. And I promised myself that I wouldn’t promote absurdly priced products because I know it’s unrealistic, especially for my target audience that includes young women who may be unemployed, as well as women who may be earning a bit more. But just the fact that spending £52 on a single product is insane. But that said, I do genuinely believe in this serum, and I do genuinely believe it’s worth the £52 price tag. And in today’s post, I’m going to take you through how the Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Serum really changed my skin and how it really proved itself to be worth that price point.

This period of unemployment had such a lasting impression on me and to this day, I’m still extremely discerning when it comes to spending money. I’m always on the lookout for a great deal and for me to spend money on anything (and I mean ANYTHING at all), it has to be something truly spectacular.

Which brings me on to this serum. I first used the Rose Deep Hydration Serum last year when I received it as a sample. I must admit that I didn’t see the point to it and wrote it off as an unnecessary product companies sell to try and make money. Lol. It wasn’t until a few months later when I bought it, I realised just how wrong I had been and how much I had needed it. Now, let’s talk about why you need this.

Improves and hydrates dry skin

You guys know that my skin is dry and that for the longest time my skin (deep down in the tissue) always felt super dry, so I would have to load on three layers of cream to try and hydrate it. The dryness got so bad that I had a scaly patch on my cheek that would not budge, no matter how much I exfoliated. Since using this serum, my skin has TOTALLY transformed. This winter I was worried the dry patch would return, but to my amazement, it did not!

Improves complexion

My skin is no longer dry (yes even deep in the tissue and even in the freezing cold), and my god does it GLOW. I swear these days I am beaming from morning to night. I use this twice a day and apply two to three pumps (though I need to cut down because it keeps running out) after spritzing my face with the Fresh Rose Floral Toner. I imagine that I’ll be using this serum for the rest of time because it is that good.

Packed with great ingredients

And finally, this serum is packed with incredible products that work wonders for the skin. First and foremost it is infused with rosewater which is known to help soothe and nourish skin whilst helping to fight against acne. Other key ingredients include: hyaluronic acid (great for holding moisture to ensure your skin is hydrated for longer); cucumber extract (soothes and cools skin); angelica leaf (another element that retains moisture); porphyridium cruentum (an algae that delivers moisture deep in the inner layers of skin).

About the price

Yes, £52 is a lot to spend on a serum, and one year ago I could never imagine EVER spending that kind of money. But, again, if I’m going to spend money on anything, let alone a creamy serum, it has to W O R K. For me and my skin, this serum is worth every single penny. However, I know it’s expensive. If you want to try this for yourself, it does come in a smaller jar which is £42 (which isn’t much of a price drop but still...), and you can always get it as a free sample with any purchase. 

Make sure you keep a look out on Fresh because they always have great offers on.



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