Do I Really Need A Face Mist?

Okay wow. I’ve been planning to write this post since the beginning of summer but haven’t gotten round to it/ other topics always seemed to take precedence. In fact, I almost didn’t publish this post today because I thought writing about the benefits and need to wear sunscreen in the winter was more important (I mean it is more important and you’ll definitely be reading a post about in the next couple of weeks but I digress). Anyway, so finally here we are.

Face mists have been EVERYWHERE lately, starting with their boom over the summer (and my sudden interest and need to investigate them). Over the summer, the need for a face mist seemed to make more sense due to the sweltering heat we experienced and us wanting to find ways of cooling down without dunking our faces in buckets of ice water. However, as we head into the depths of winter (have you seen the snow and icy mornings?!), the need for a mist may not be so obvious. But I’m here to tell you that yes you need a mist, and yes you need a mist even in the winter. Let me tell you why.

Firstly, mists are suuuuper hydrating. If you’re like and suffer from the kind of dry skin you can feel deep in the layers of tissue, you’ll appreciate a light mist that’s able to penetrate deeper into your skin. I’ve been using the Fresh Rose Floral Toner for the last couple of weeks and OMG you need this in your life. It’s so hydrating and light and fresh, I’ve noticed such a difference in my skin since using it. I like the spritz it on my face three times (once on each cheek and once on my forehead) then massage it into my skin. It works as a perfect base for my day and night skincare routine and pairs wonderfully with the Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Serum (another skincare hero that you N E E D). With temperatures dipping below zero, it’s important you’re taking care of your skin by keeping it hydrated and nourished.

Mists are also great for helping to prevent the effects of pollution like dull grey skin and fine lines. Mists make great bases for skincare and beauty, and help your makeup stay on for longer during the day. If you do find yourself feeling a bit hot and dishevelled, a little spritz of a lovely mist will leave you feeling refreshed and new.

I love a mist. And would really recommend the Fresh Rose Floral Toner if you’re new to mists and are looking for something light and simple. I will sharing a post about this toner soon, so make sure you check back for it.


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