Fresh Floral Toner Sample.

This is one of those products that you see and hear loads about but don’t really understand the purpose of it. For the longest time I’ve been reading lots about toners and how they’re an important step in any skincare regimen. I honestly didn’t think anything of it (or have any intention of ever using one) until I received this sample bottle from Fresh a few months ago (i.e June). You can tell I didn’t think much of it because it’s taken me THIS long to even use this sample lol!

However, after getting a hint of what this stuff can do I have been converted and am officially hooked. This stuff is so light, airy and floral (in a light and fresh way - it has little to no scent at all) and gets absorbed by the skin so quickly. I love that when I then put my serum on top, the serum seems to sink even deeper into my skin leaving me with a truly moisturised and nourished face. This then means that the other products that I put on top (eye cream, face cream and overnight mask) really penetrate deeper - or at least it feels that way to me.

I’ve been using this sample day and night as recommended, and even though I haven’t seen much of a difference in my skin, I’ve most definitely FELT a difference and that’s all that matters.

And yes, I will most probably be buying the full size bottle. Grrrr


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