Mega Growth Conditioner and Lotion Review.

Hey guys! I’m finally beginning to make a dent in that massive hair haul I shared with you back in January (what did you think of my last review? If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it out here). Today I’m sharing my thoughts on one of the samples – the Mega Growth two-pack sample – and let me start by saying that I LOVE LOVE LOVED it!
It left my hair feeling and smelling amazing (!!!!) so I’ll definitely be on the lookout for the full size bottle the next time I go shopping for hair products. Both products contained olive, shea and avocado, which all contain amazing benefits such as hair growth, hair repair and hair strengthening qualities. Mega Growth promises that their conditioner and lotion helps strengthen and repair damaged hair using natural oils and protein for healthier hair.
deep conditioner sample
details on the back
lotion sample
details on the back
I started the routine by co-washing my hair with Avon’s verbena and peppermint conditioner, before rinsing and towel drying my hair in preparation for the Mega Growth conditioner. Now, I know it may seem a bit over the top to do a condition treatment after co-washing my hair, but my hair had been feeling a bit dry so I felt like I needed some extra loving. And on top of that I only co-washed with one round of conditioner so my hair wasn’t over-conditioned. Sidebar: it probably also goes without saying that all hair is different so do whatever works for you/ do whatever you want to try at least once.
prep done...
...ready to start
The first thing I noticed about the conditioner was the smell. Omg it was heavenly! I honestly think that shea is fast becoming my favourite smell (and if I smell it one more time it definitely will be) and I’m not upset about it :P. I also noticed how thick, creamy and luscious it felt in my hand and how well it glided onto my hair – in hair terms I think that means it has great slip. To apply the conditioner I simply divided my scalp in half then worked on sectioning each half into smaller portions to make applying it easier.

Once the packet was all used up, I combed my hair (though I wish I had used a wide-toothed comb instead) to help spread the conditioner.

The packet advised to leave on for five to ten minutes, but because I’m a rebel, I left it on for twenty five, putting it under a plastic cap and then wrapping my towel on top of that.
A thorough rinse and another towel wrap later, it was time for me to try out the lotion.

The shea smelt just as great, though the lotion wasn’t as thick as the conditioner had been. I applied it in the same way, making sure to deeply massage my scalp as I went along and when I was done applying the lotion.

To finish, I divided my scalp again and put my hair into two big braids.

Like I said in the opening paragraph, I LOVED these samples so much! They are definitely worth a buy and I really felt my hair reaping the benefits. The next morning my hair still smelt of shea and it felt so smooth loved. Even after several days, my hair has continued feeling amazing, and though I’ve also been using my Blue Magic daily (which has obviously helped my hair feel great), I believe that the Mega Growth samples acted as an incredible base. If you’ve used any Mega Growth products be sure to let me know; and make sure you check back soon for another review.



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