IC P.M. Night Time Oil Treatment Review.

Where do I begin with this? To be blunt, I didn’t like this at all. It was WAY too greasy for me, it made my hair dry and crunchy, and it didn’t feel penetrative at all. Instead of feeling as though my hair was absorbing the oil and vitamins, it felt more like the oil was just clinging to my hair strands. The only good thing about this treatment was the free silk hair cap it came with (and that I’ve been using every night).
after application
eww just look at how greasy it made my hands after applying it
To be fair, the first time I used this, I had just washed my hair and it hadn’t completely dried when I sprayed it (perhaps a little overzealously) all over my hair. The next morning, my hair felt extremely oily and a bit dry, but not nourished or soft. My hair continued to feel like this for the rest of the day, so I tried to soften and moisturise it by using my Blue Magic Argan Oil leave-in conditioner. This didn’t help.
the silk cap aka the only good thing about the oil treatment
A few days later, I thought I would give the oil treatment the benefit of the doubt and tried it again, only this time my hair was not wet. This was a big mistake. My hair felt just as dry, oily and crunchy as it had done the first time I used it, and the thought (and reality) of touching my hair made my skin crawl. In the end I had to wash my hair to get the oil out and to return my hair to a moisturised, nourished, soft and touchable state.
the next morning
after a good comb out
it was kind of hard to style my hair afterwards because my hair was so stiff
I’m still not 100% sure where I went wrong, and I’m quite ready to give up on it. I’ll probably try it one last time before I blacklist it forever. Also, after struggling to find one bad review about this, I felt it was even more important for me to share my thoughts on it as I’m sure I can’t be the only person who found this to not be everything it said it was.



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