Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Face Cream Super Lotus Night Recovery.

Oh wow, that’s a mouthful!

You guys know how much I am obsessed with Fresh – I’m currently trying to work my through their whole product ranges – so when I first heard they were dropping a new item I knew I had to have it. Now, fast forward a couple of months and I am the proud owner (and user) of their Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Face Cream Super Lotus Night Recovery. Like I just said: what a mouthful!

First impressions

My first thought when I unscrewed the lid was “omg this smells amazing!” I can’t really put my finger on what it actually smells like – I’m guessing lotus because duh – but it has a really lovely fresh floral zingy and citrusy scent. Is that what lotus smells like? I don’t know. The very first time I applied a massive blob to my face I felt like I was transported to a field of daisies on a warm summer’s day, while I ran through it without a care in the world.

I noticed that the cream was a tiny bit tingly, but having been using it for a few weeks now, I don’t feel the same tingle anymore. Even though it’s spring and we should be opting for lighter products, my skin gets incredibly dry all year round, so although I don’t want something as thick as the Nivea night cream at this time of year, I know I need something with substance. I found that this cream was nice and thick but not as thick as the Nivea one. It left a perfect sheen on my face that by morning had been absorbed by my skin.

Last thoughts

In my last review for Nivea’s Pure & Natural Regenerating Night Cream, I talked about how now the worst of winter was over, I wanted to transition into another lighter night cream. Well this cream was definitely the perfect transition product. It’s light and airy, but still has that thickness I look for in a moisturiser, so I see this seeing me through spring, summer and well into the autumn.

Right now I’m about halfway through the jar but I can already say that it’s a great night cream and I would highly recommend it.


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