Fresh Soy Face Cleanser.

If you’ve been following the blog in recent weeks, you’ll know that I’ve become a total Fresh convert. I don’t know what it is about their products, but we just click, so obviously now whenever I’m trying something new from them, I go into my with arms open, ready to welcome yet another godsend into my life. That said though, my love for their products cannot gloss over the truth of life i.e. results, so even if I am head-over-heels in love with them, some things just aren’t meant to be.
After the major success that was Fresh’s Seaberry Skin Nutrition Cleansing Oil that removes makeup LIKE.A.DREAM, I was expecting the same from this cleanser, after all it did promise to remove makeup including mascara. While normally I would have waiting until I had finished my cleansing oil before trying new (remember that Into The Gloss article I shared a few months back), I had accidently left it at my friend’s house and wouldn’t be able to get it back for another five days. As I didn’t want to revert back to baby wipes, I thought it was a great time to try out this cleanser. Well let me just say that things didn’t go exactly as planned.
The first thing I noticed about the cleanser was the smell. It had the cleanest smell for a product I had ever smelt in my life. I don’t know how else to describe it apart from being super fresh, so pure, clean with a hint of cucumber. When I put it on my face it was very light compared to the oil, still fresh-feeling, soothing, cooling, calming – it was like getting a facial at a spa – and seemed to do a good job of removing my foundation.
My mascara however, was another story. Upon drying my face on the bathroom towel, I was shocked to find so much mascara transfer! Now, I love Fresh so I’m prepared to give the cleanser the benefit of the doubt and blame it on two things (even though it didn’t get better after five days of using it to remove my makeup): 1) I wear A LOT of mascara, and I like to layer it on so that it’s super thick, so naturally it’s a bit of a pain to remove anyway and 2) for fear of going blind, I didn’t want to rub the cleanser right into my eyes. What I did find, was that after double-cleansing with this soy face cleanser, there was always less mascara transfer, which got me thinking, what if instead of using this cleanser to remove my makeup, I used it as a second step?
just look at all that foundation...
You will be pleased to know that as soon as I got my seaberry oil back, I started doing just that. While I oiled to remove every last scrap of makeup (mascara included), I used the soy cleanser to remove any oil residue and to freshen up my face before I moisturised. The results have been phenomenal.
look at all that transfer :(
after the second cleanse
So the million dollar question: would I buy this again? Like most of their products that I own, I got this as a free sample (hence the small size), so I didn’t actually buy it the first time. And despite how the post started, the fact that it works better as a secondary cleanser, smells like cucumber heaven and is from Fresh (duh), I would definitely buy it again. At only £36, it’s one of their cheapest products and I honestly couldn’t recommend it enough if you’re looking for something calming and soothing for your face. Just don’t expect it to remove all your makeup for you.


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