Help! My Forehead Is A Breeding Ground For Spots.

I want to start by saying one thing. Despite this title, the current conditioner of my skin is probably the best it’s EVER been since I was a newborn. This makes me feel really frustrated that isolated parts of my face keep playing up – namely my forehead. Because my forehead can’t seem to go more than a couple of weeks without growing a third eye, I looked up causes to find out once and for all what the hell is going on with my face! Through my research, I discovered face mapping that takes its teachings from ancient Chinese medicine, dermatology and Ayurveda. Not a bad combination if you ask me.

Let’s start with my arch nemesis problem area. The forehead is supposedly linked to the digestive system so a poor diet or poor digestion is likely the cause for outbreaks here. Drinking lots of water and eating foods like pineapples that are packed with digestive enzymes can help. Oh and there’s one tiny save: spots here can also be due to hormonal changes and stress – joy!

The nose is associated with the heart, so blemishes here can be a result of poor blood pressure and circulation. It’s suggested to reduce your intake of spicy foods (sad face), alcohol and coffee, and increase consumption of omega 3 & 6. Salicylic acid is said to help alleviate spots in this area, so that’s a great quick fix to try.

Spots found here tend to be caused by dirty pillowcases, touching your face, holding your phone there for too long and general pollution. The cheeks are also said to be connected to the lungs and respiratory system, so smoking and inhaling fumes can be responsible.

If there’s one blessing from all of this, it’s probably that spots on the chin are usually caused by hormones. This means there’s not really a lot you can do to prevent them from coming up. That said, it’s still good to drink plenty of water and try to stay away from the sweets…

Whether you’re into Ayurveda or not, you must admit that this is all very fascinating. And I know that we can all agree that no matter WHY we get spots, they are super annoying. One thing that I’ve found to help with spots is Fresh’s Umbrian Clay Purifying MaskI’ve also heard great things about Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, which I really want to try at some point.


image from Into The Gloss

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