Hot Sunflower & Coconut Oil Hair Treatment.

Back in March I wrote about my first hot oil treatment and promised that I’d start incorporating them into my hair regimen. Since then, I’ve done a few hot sunflower oil treatments and I feel that my hair has really taken to the sunflower oil. Wanting to mix things up a little, I decided to try mixing my sunflower oil with different oils starting with coconut oil.

Disclaimer. The coconut oil I used was not raw 100% coconut so I’m sure the results may vary. The oil is a combination of soybean, coconut, seed, sweet almond, sunflower, rose hip, aloe, burdock, lemon, peanut and leaf oil, with vitamin E.

As I tend to have excess oil from these hot oil treatments, I decided to measure out one and a half tablespoons of coconut oil and about three tablespoons of sunflower.
coconut oil
sunflower oil
I then heated it up for about a minute on low heat before pouring it into my glass.

To apply, I divided my hair into sections then massaged the oil deeply onto my hair and scalp, making sure to cover the roots and the ends.

When my hair was nice and oiled up, I covered my head with a plastic cap and put a towel over the cap to help stimulate heat to activate the oil, and left it on for about an hour. I then conditioned and rinsed my hair before applying Avon’s argan oil hair mask.
it doesn't look like a lot, but even this small amount was a bit too much
As time goes on, I’ll be mixing different oils together for my hot oil treatments, to see which oils work best together and which oils my hair accepts and works best with. Make sure you check back soon for more hot oil treatment posts.



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