The Night Headscarf Debate.

If you’re a hair person you’ll know it’s recommended that you wrap or cover your head with something so as to prevent breakage, drying out and other damage to your hair whilst you sleep. In recent years the debate has waged on: Silk? Satin? Polyester? Cotton? Just what should one wrap or cover their heads in? I can remember when I was younger (before my hair became my sole responsibility) and my mum used to make make-shift head caps out of old tights. Fast forward more than ten years and rediscovering my hair, I started using a silk bonnet I received free with some oil. While the oil was a total bust – read my review here – the bonnet was not and for the last few months I’ve been sleeping with it every night. My problem however, was that I found whenever I slept with my hair in two braids, the bonnet fit perfectly (though a little on the big side and makes me look like Martha the milkmaid), but then whenever I would sleep with my hair out, it would never fit inside the bonnet. This then lead me to seek out something I could wrap around my big hair, and not be paranoid would catapult across the room in the night. Lucky for me, a few weeks ago I stumbled across an old H&M scarf that was smooth like silk but polyester in fabric, which I thought would be the perfect thing for me to wrap my head in. At first I was happy to finally have found something for my hair, but then after a bit of research, I was worried that my scarf would not be up to scratch. Popular agreement was that silk reigned supreme in terms of the ideal fabric to wrap your head in, as it allows your hair to breathe and keeps moisture in your strands; but polyester rung pretty low on the list. That aside, I wanted to share my thoughts after a few nights sleeping with polyester.
trying the scarf for the first time
First of all, I’m not used to wrapping my hair in anything so I felt a little weird, but after a few vain glances in the mirror, I figured the wrap was something I could definitely rock!

When I woke up in the morning, the wrap was still on my head, and when I took it off, my hair still felt soft and moistened. The only downside for me was that in night I got really hot. I’m not 100% why this was, but I’m pretty sure it was because the polyester was a bit too heavy-duty for my head to handle, and ended up heating me during the night.
the next morning
Compared to my silk bonnet? That’s a tough one. To me their uses are different and I switch between them depending on the state of my hair… buuuuuuut if I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to choose one, I’d probably stick with my bonnet, only because it’s thinner and I don’t appreciate waking up drenched in sweat. That being said, I’m sure if I found a thinner polyester wrap I probably wouldn’t experience the same problem.

Do you wrap your hair for bed? If so, what kind head-wrapper are you? Silk? Satin? Polyester? Cotton?



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