Dry Hair Shampooing.

So that time of the month came around last week, when I shampoo my hair and clean my strands of the month’s built up dirt, oils and products. This month I used Tresemme’s 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. However this time, I wanted to dry something a little different and instead of rinsing my hair first, I decided to shampoo my hair first.

Having been brought up rinsing my hair first, it was weird applying shampoo to dry hair, but as soon as the white stuff touched my hair, it glided through it and unlike when I rinse first, it didn’t feel as though I was wasted shampoo trying to get my wet hair to latch onto it. I applied the shampoo to my hair the same way I apply my hair products, and made sure to massage my scalp and the shampoo so as to clean my hair thoroughly. Once I had rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, I the proceeded to condition my hair with Tresemme’s silk protein conditioner before I rinsed it out with green tea.

As I started putting my Vitale Olive Oil hair mayonnaise on my hair, I found that my hair felt a lot softer than normal and something tells me it could be down to shampooing before wetting my hair. Now, I don’t really know the science of it (and it could all just be in my head), but I think shampooing first allows for the ingredients to react more positively to the hair; as opposed to wetting your hair first and the shampoo reacting with the water to dry your hair out making it brittle and squeaky clean (and not in a good way). It’s kind of like moisturiser and how it’s better to moisturise on dry skin than wet skin as it gets to penetrate your skin more easily.

The next time I wash my hair I’m going to try co-washing on dry hair to see how that comes out.



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