Blue Magic Tea Tree Oil Leave-In Conditioner.

Or as I like to call it: The Magic Stuff!
this is the goooooood stuff
This leave-in conditioner smells AMAZING, feels AMAZING, is… (you guessed it) AMAZING. Its non-greasy formula mixed with its anti-breakage protein complex leaves hair feeling strengthened, nourished and well looked after.

What first drew me to this conditioner a few months ago was when I sat down and thought back on my hair regiment from when my mum used to do my hair. I remember how she always made a point of mentioning how well my hair reacted to tea tree based products and how great the green stuff was for my hair. With this memory in mind, during my hair excursion I made sure I picked something with tea tree in it. After my success with Blue Magic’s argan oil leave-in conditioner, I knew that I had to get their tea tree option; and was I right or was I RIGHT?

From the moment I used it, I knew this it would become a staple in my hair regimen and I began to see for myself what my mum had seen all those years ago, for my hair has THRIVED thanks to this conditioner. Tea tree oil is known to be beneficial for the hair and scalp, relieving dry skin, aiding hair growth, moisturising hair, reducing inflammation by stimulating blood circulation in the head, and preventing oil build-up which sometimes prevents hair growth… the list goes on! I have found that my badly damaged and broken problem edges (thanks to over-processing my hair and not looking after it properly), have started growing back and is now getting as thick as the rest of my hair.

As well as having tea tree oil extracts, this gooey pot of lusciousness also has coconut oil, mineral oil (which helps combats dry scalp problems – although people are sceptical because mineral oil also clogs pores which is bad if you’re trying to stimulate your hair follicles) and vegetable and wheat protein.
the good stuff right here
I like to use this every day or every other day depending on how my hair is feeling. I also use this after every hair wash/deep condition/ hair treatment that I do. I find that it really soothes my hair and scalp. Compared to Blue Magic’s argan oil, this tea tree conditioner is the bee’s knees. To prolong it I use the argan oil conditioner, but if you can’t tell from the pictures I’m already over halfway through the tub and it’s only been a month and a half since I started using this!



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