Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise.

I first bought this a few months but had it sitting on my hair products table and only recently started using it. The first time I tried this, I had treated my hair with the lemon and honey mask to remove any dirt instead of using a shampoo. Since then, I’ve been using this once-ish a week (keeping it on overnight) for the last couple of weeks and thought it was worth a share.

The jar promises to repair, rejuvenate, and moisturise and condition damaged and fragile hair. It contains oat protein, as well as botanical extracts, egg protein (this is especially good if your hair is like mine and feels extra spongey and stretchy), and olive oil.

before rinsing the hair mayonnaise
As I prefer washing my hair at night, the morning after I put this in my hair, my hair feels really feathery and soft, and well looked after.

the quality is a little poor, but you can see how my edges have reverted to being afro, whilst the body of my hair is considerably straighter

The only negative for me, is that this seems to accelerate the reversion process of my relaxed hair, so parts of my hair appear totally afro while other bits of my hair are straight. I’ve read that some people with kinky textured and tightly coiled hair were left with green bits in their hair, but I haven’t personally experienced that myself.



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