My #1 Tip For Surviving Winter.

Last week was probably one of the coldest weeks in the history of time. Fog covered EVERYTHING, everywhere was misty and having your fingers exposed for more than five minutes was a definite no. the winter for Naturals is a harsh time. Prone to drier hair because moisture and nutrients have a tough time travelling down the curly hair shaft, Naturals already have enough to battle with. Now, throw in sub-zero temperatures that practically zaps any kind of moisture from hair and skin, and we’ve got an even bigger problem on our hands. In a way it’s of funny talk about it because back when I was relaxing my hair, I wasn’t so bothered by the cold (and sure I wasn’t so bothered about my hair period): my strands were straight meaning it was easy for the little moisture that I did put on it travel down from my roots to my ends. Naturally, however, since going natural, I am very bothered by the cold and how to keep my hair from frizzing and drying out.

So what is my number one tip for surviving the blistering cold? Conditioner. When it’s cold like it’s been, it’s important to go crazy with the conditioner. When it’s cold like this, I don’t even bother shampooing – I mean, why strip your hair of the natural oils that it’s already struggling to hold on to – instead I focus on co-washing my hair with something extra creamy like my Gum Hair conditioner, before doing a deep condition/hair mask (which are EXTREMELY important to do in the winter). I also make sure to not rinse my hair with hot water (crazy I know), but hot water dries your hair out which is particularly counterproductive when you’re trying to keep your hair not dry. I then follow up with some leave in conditioner and try to moisturise my hair every day to help it stay strong and nourished.
vitale olive oil hair mayonnaise: instantly revives my hair and gives my hair the boost it needs to stay strong.
blue magic tea tree oil leave in conditioner: this stuff is seriously amazing in the winter as it keeps relives my itchy scalp and moisturises really well!
Another good thing to do is to make sure your hair is up and your ends are tucked away. I’m a big fan of wearing two big Dutch braids which helps keep my hair neat and is easier to take care of. Anyway, not long to go now until Spring/Summer comes around.



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