Hair & Beauty Goals 2017.

Wow, another year has come and gone. If you read my last two posts of 2016 (as well as most posts from 2016), you’ll know that I achieved quite a lot in terms of hair and beauty, as well as in terms of seeing a growth in the blog. It seems crazy to think that what once started off as a tiny place for me to share ramblings and DIY treatments, has become a really big part of my life, with readers from all over the world. And while it’s not about the views or the stats, it does warm my heart knowing that there are thousands of people around the world who have followed my journey and check back to see what else is new. Seeing how I was able to push myself in terms of my 2016 hair and beauty goals, I’m hoping that my 2017 goals will take things even further, as I continue to grow.


Now that my hair has recovered from the non-stop relaxing and broken edges, this year I really want to focus on growth and really growing my hair out. In October 2017 I’ll be reaching my two year no-relaxer anniversary, and I’m excited to see what my hair will look like. My next goal is to be more attentive of labels and ingredients of products that I buy for my hair. Even though I know this will be even more work, I want to try and research which ingredients I should stay away from, and which I should add into my regime.
wearing my UKHair Weaves Regal Relaxed extensions, 2014: how awesome if I could grow my hair this long


To be honest I don’t really have any lofty beauty goals for the year. While I’ll continue sharing manicures, the latest mascaras I can’t live without, and all that good stuff, don’t really expect too much in terms of beauty in 2017.
wearing my Fleur and Fabulous Eylure lashes


Having spent the last year and a bit on my hair and beauty journey, I’ve come to see that it’s not just about the hair and the beauty. In fact, hair and beauty merely represent a tiny portion of what I’d like to think the message of the blog is. That’s why in the new year, I’d also like to try and write pieces that focus on issues of Black womanhood, our history and our plans for the future. I’ve been so inspired by blogs such as Black Girl Long Hair and Curly Nikki that not only focus on hair and beauty, but real life issues and discussions, that I would like to start doing the same with the blog. Also, considering that I did write my MA dissertation on the representation of Black women in television and entertainment, it makes sense for me to incorporate it here.

I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for my hair and beauty development. And as always, you know you can be sure that I’ll be sharing every last detail on here with you. So make sure you continue to follow along on the journey! Happy New Year!



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