Vitale Olive Oil Root Therapy.

When I saw this on the shelf I kind of knew I was going to like it. If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’ll know about my obsession love for Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise. Every time I use it, my hair feels significantly more moisturised, well taken care of and nourished – so you can see why when I saw this Root Therapy I had high hopes for it.

And, as expected I was not disappointed.

After the first application, I noticed its intense smell (it was hard to miss) which was a combination of tea tree and mint, that nearly made my eyes water. When I put it on my hair, I noticed that it also left a tingly sensation, which I guess was to be expected from its smell. The container promises to: protect hair growth, repair damaged hair and repair split ends (I’m a bit iffy on this last one as we all know split ends can’t be repaired). While it is still a bit too early for me to tell if it’s actually done all this stuff to my hair, I’ll continue to hold out hope and let you guys know more once I’ve finished it.

After using two Vitale Olive Oil products, I’ll definitely be keeping my eye out for more of their products in the future.



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