The Reverse Method.

The other week I proposed a way to cut down wash day to a few hours. I talked about doing my hair regime in reverse in an attempt to spend as little time as possible fussing over my hair. Well, as promised I tried doing everything backwards (i.e. starting with my deep conditioner then rinsing it out with a co-wash) and I was pleasantly surprised by the results.

I started with my Vitale Olive Hair Mayonnaise – I really do love the stuff and every time I write about it, I feel as though I’m repeating myself again – leaving it on my hair for about an hour and a half. When it’s as cold as it’s been lately, it’s best to keep your hair mask/deep conditioner on for longer as your hair needs more attention and conditioning to keep it soft in colder temperatures. In some of the research I did, I found that depending on the base of your mask/conditioner, it’ll probably work more effectively on dry or wet hair. So, if your mask/conditioner is water based, it’ll work best on wet hair, but if your mask/conditioner is oil based, then it’ll work best on dry hair. Just my luck, Vitale is a water based conditioner, but I thought, fuck it, and just applied it to dry hair. Another thing I should probably add is that before you even apply your mask/conditioner you should prep your hair a bit by applying some hair cream oil in place of a hot oil treatment. I prepped my hair with ORS’ Coconut oil before I begun.

Before rinsing off the hair mayo, I had a shower, and used the hot steam from the shower to steam and activate the hair mayo for a deeper treatment. I also made sure to massage my scalp so that it would penetrate my hair better.

I then rinsed off my hair with a co-wash using my Gum Hair creamy conditioner, again making sure to massage my scalp. When rinsing out your mask/conditioner, it’s best to make sure you use shampoo and/or conditioner to get it out as this stops build up and helps seal in all the goodness from the mask/conditioner.

Once my hair was fully rinsed, I wrapped it up in my t-shirt and that was the end of that.

This is definitely a method I’ll be using a lot in the future. It’s less time consuming, and dare I say, I even feel like my hair feels different too. It’s softer and feels more conditioned. During the week I had noticed how dry my hair was feeling, but after doing this my hair felt a lot less dry. All in all I would say I spent about an hour and forty minutes on my hair instead of the usual four-ish hours it would take me. This method is a great one for when you’re feeling lazy, and don’t really want to wash your hair, but know that you need to wash your hair.



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