Black Beeswax & Sunflower Oil Treatment.

I tried this DIY treatment a few weeks ago, not sure how it would turn out, but naively expecting it to be as simple as some of the other DIY treatments I’ve tried. This DIY treatment also happens to be the first time I tried a product from my hair haul, so this post will be a two-in-one kind of post.

First of all, as far as scent and appearance is concerned, this beeswax is not the bee’s knees. It smells weird and looks like a massive clump of solidified dirty crude oil. Additionally because the main ingredient is petroleum, it leaves an oily trace on everything it touches – eek. At first glance it looks like it’ll be rock hard, but once you touch it, it soften us fairly quickly.

Okay, not on to the hair treatment. I heated up one tablespoon of beeswax in a pan and waited for it to melt down (FYI it didn’t take long at all). When it was all melted down it looked like octopus ink and went from black to a deep violet/plum colour.

I then added a tablespoon and a half of sunflower oil and mixed the two liquids together.

This was when things started to go a bit awry. Once I turned off the heat, the mixture almost immediately began to harden, but I didn’t notice until I started pouring the mixture into the glass. Once I had finished pouring and taking my pictures, the mixture had returned to beeswax’s original hard state and I was left feeling a bit puzzled.
I ended up hurriedly trying to apply the mixture to my scalp and hair followed by a scalp massage to allow the beeswax and sunflower oil to penetrate. I then put my plastic shower cap on and left my hair for about forty minutes before I washed the mixture out with shampoo.
the aftermath...
In the long run I think this is a treatment that I’ll definitely try again (I mean how else am I supposed to use up the rest of the beeswax?) although it’ll need to undergo several modifications. Aside from it being a bit messy, my hair really benefited from this treatment as it felt softer even before I deep conditioned it. I also think this was due to the petroleum, which even though people say is bad for your scalp as it clogs pores, I think leaving it on for a short while and then rinsing it, stops your scalp from developing build-up. Deep conditioning afterwards really helped give my hair an overall softer and stronger feel.



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