Another Use For Your T-Shirt.

I bet you didn’t know your cotton t-shirt is so much more than an item of clothing. Not only is it a convenient piece that can be thrown over anything if you’re feeling lazy, or a source of inspiration (just ask Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen about what first prompted them to start up The Row); but it can also dry your hair a whole lot better than your towel.

I first read this a few months ago on CurlyNikki and dismissed it because it sounded a little OTT – I mean who is going to remember to grab their tee when they’re just about to wash their hair? Not me. I then kept reading about how drying your hair with a t-shirt is better for your hair than drying with a towel because the fibres don’t pull and knot your hair like a towel does. I also read that your tee absorbs excess water from you’re a lot quicker than a towel meaning it takes less time to dry your hair. Well, I finally tried this technique and I have to say it everything and more I didn’t know I was looking for. I found that my hair stopped dripping a lot quicker than normal, I wasn’t plagued by large knots, and I didn’t feel that towel-friction I usually do.

I couldn’t recommend this enough, so make sure you try using your t-shirt to dry your hair the next time you wash it.



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