Hair & Beauty Goals 2016.

2015 was the beginning of what I’m sure will be a long and knowledgeable hair and beauty journey. With that in mind, I wanted to share my hair and beauty goals for the New Year.


My first goal (as far-fetched as it probably is) is to FINALLY grow my hair out. Before I cut it to just below my ears, my hair never grew further than the nape of my neck. I hope that with my continued research into natural hair remedies that my hair will be able to grow past my neck and down to my shoulders.

Following on from this, another goal of mine is that in 2016 the broken and damaged areas of my hair will grow out and for my hair to be strong and healthy.


In terms of beauty, I hope to find and share more products that are aimed towards Black women; and that I continue to experiment with different looks such as false lashes and maybe start injecting a bit of colour into my beauty routine.

Thank you for following the beginning of my journey, and I look forward to seeing what 2016 holds in terms of hair and beauty. Happy New Year!



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