Homemade Banana Hair Mask.

Last Friday I shared a homemade banana mask recipe that I tried, and today I’m sharing how I applied it. I really wanted to take some before and after pictures so that I could see if there was a notable difference, but that quite work out as I had hoped.
first I washed my hair with just warm water

by this time, the mixture looked more like jelly fat
it literally looks like someone threw up on my head ewwww
I covered the gunk with two plastic bags (I've found that plastic bags work better than shower/steam caps)
then I wrapped my whole head in a towel to prevent drippage
Seven hours later...

didn't really look any better the next morning... barf!
I tried to rinse my hair out with warm water but found LOADS of trapped banana bits that refused to budge, so I ended up washing my hair with Tresemme 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner (which probably made the whole mask thing counterproductive... oh well).

after combing my hair through, a few pesky bits of banana remained... grrr
Make sure you check back next week to read about my thoughts on the mask and what I learned from the experience of my first hair mask.



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